Jun 14, 2016

Michalis Nikiforakis carries out a long-lasting promise. To outline with light the image of ‘LYCHNOSTATIS’. He concentrates on his theme, by blaring his look right and left, like a sprint runner who keeps his eyes on the line. His eye becomes a filter, vaporizes the light, winnows the feeling. Within the frame he fits the inner frame. As if he tries with his camera to spot in the image whatever is trying to remain unspotted. Blow-up, our look plays “hide-and-seek”.
Feb 13, 2016
Yiorgis Markakis, an 86 years old ophthalmologist and founder of the Cretan open-air Museum “Lychnostatis” in Hersonissos, Crete, reveals the treasures of his memory, “everything that he harvested with his eyes and has kept within him”.
Nov 19, 2014
The International Committee for Regional Museums (ICR) 2014 conference in Taipei, Taiwan is an assembly for discussions on how museums create bonds between visitors, generations and world-wide cultures through use of their collections.
Sep 14, 2014
The Cretan open – air Museum “LYCHNOSTATIS” in collaboration with the Women Association of Hersonisos “Vritomartis” participates in the events of the Region of Crete and the Hersonisos’ Municipality for the World Tourism Day with the “Festival of traditional fruits” on Friday, September 26, 2014 at 12.00.
Sep 2, 2014
The Publications’ Department of the Museum "Lychnostatis" in collaboration with the Municipality of Hersonissos published the book of George Markakis “RECYCLING GREEN : A MANUAL of PLANT COMPOST & FERTILIZING”.